poor macron, the yellow vest they are breaking the bones to him and his police


Acte 2 des Gilets Jaunes à Paris / barricades sur les Champs-Elysées – 24 novembre 2018

the yellow vest, they are putting a strain on the police and the French government. in fact, as it does not appear in the official press, the police forces have taked many beatings in recent weeks by manifestants. Macron the servant of the European financial bureaucracy is facing a wall. or it yields to the will of the people, or the bastille will be thrown down



Stop military actions in Syria


I believe that the situation in Syria is becoming very dangerous. the United States and Russia will calm down, and try to check for a diplomatic  solution. I hope that in this Syrian crisis, Europe will be able to mediate between the two opposing blocs. in any case, I believe that now, the military option is the wrong way